
15 Questions About Animal Captivity

These are questions which I came up with concerning animal captivity.
Some may be a little irrelevant, but I thought they might be fun to research.

1. What is the difference between protecting endangered animals and ordinary animals?

2. Are zoos really bad?

3. What are groups against animal captivity doing concretely in order to prevent such things?

4. Is breeding animals a bad thing to do?

5. How can people and animals co-exist?

6. Are there any differences between animals in danger and animals kept for eating?

7. When did animals start being threatened by human beings?

8. What was the first animal which was first led to extinction by mankind?

9. Are there any ideas for keeping animals and not making them tame at the same time?

10. What is the average lifespan of animals in captivity and ones which are not?

11. Which countries people are especially against animal captivity?

12. What are the main ideas of people who are for/against animal captivity?

13. What are zoos doing in order to fight ideas of animal captivity?

14. Are there any concrete examples of zoo breeding being an asset?

15. What can we do to prevent futile killing of animals?

1 件のコメント:

  1. I'm very pleased by the wide variety of insightful question you posed. Some of them are general and philosophical ones (such as, "How can people and animals co-exist?"), while others are specific and practical (e.g., "Are there any ideas for keeping animals and not making them tame at the same time?").

    I look forward to seeing the answers you are able to find out about these important questions. None of the questions are trivial.

    I think you'll be surprised by how far back in history it was that animals started to be threatened by humans.
