What are zoos doing in order to fight ideas of animal captivity?
People who are for the idea say that zoos are safer. For example, zoo animals are living in enclosures that are close to their natural habitats as possible. Also when a zoo wants to obtain a new animal, there are strict procedures and rules in order to do so, so zoos with sloppy rules do not have a chance to get them. Also, breeding programs are especially focusing on animals that are in danger, and though they are in captivity, the animals have a much larger chance to survive than in the wild where there are many dangers. Another big benefit of animal captivity is that scientists can make research on animal much closer at hand. These acts may lead to how we can help endangered animals survive in the wild, too.
animals in captivity pros an cons http://nyln.org/animals-in-captivity-pros-and-cons-list
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