
survey result

First or all, 33 people answered our survey.

For the first question, we asked the answerer's their gender, age, nationality, religion, and their occupation. The gender was half women and half men and about the same. For age, mostly was around 20 but one 30's and two 50's. Nationality was mostly Japanese but also an American and a Canadian. Religion their were few christian and buddhist. For their occupation, most was student and one professor and few office worker.

Q2. Do you like animals?

Do you like animals?

  • 回答: 33 
  • スキップ: 0

yes! I love...
Some yes, some
No, not at
all. I hate...

Absolutely yes! I love them! 


Some yes, some no. 


No, not at all. I hate them. 
As you can see, 48.48% answered "yes" and was the most. 27.27% "absolutely yes, i love them", "some yes, some no" 18.18%, "no" 6.06%, and "no, not at all" 0%.

Q3. Have you ever been to zoos?
For this question, 100% people answered yes and commented about 5 to 10 times in average.

Q4. Do you have pets?

Do you have pets?

  • 回答: 33 
  • スキップ: 0

YESNOI had it before



I had it before 
Many people have pets or had pets before. For those who have or had pets, have/had dog, cat or goldfish. People who do not have pets, answered because their family have allergies. 

Q5. Are you interested in endangered animals?
For this question, most people answered yes and few answered no.

Q6. What do you think we can do to protect animals?
Many people answered to stop hunting or protect their habitat. Few answered they do not know and one interesting answer, leave at it is.

Q7. Do you think animals have rights?

Do you think animal have rights?

  • 回答: 33 
  • スキップ: 0

YESNOI don't know



I don't know 
As you can see, most people think animal have rights. For this question, their were few comments and said animals have rights because humans do.

Q8. What do you think about zoos?
Many people answered it is a place people can enjoy, relax and good for education. However, some people said it is harmful for animals to stay in a small cages.

Q9. Do you think keeping animals in zoos is an issue?

Do you think keeping animals in zoos is an issue?

  • 回答: 32 
  • スキップ: 1



More than half people think zoo is not an issue. It is interesting because for the question do you think animals have rights?, about 78% people said yes but about 65% people think zoos are not an issue. For this comment, many people answered it is not an issue because we can learn about animals and also can enjoy. Therefore, many people think zoos are good because it is good for human, for our own entertainment. 

Q10. Where do you usually find information about animals?

Where do you usually find information about animals?

  • 回答: 31 
  • スキップ: 2

Television newsNewspapersMagazines
Facebook /
Twitter /...
with friends
I seldom
access to it

Television news 



Facebook / Twitter / Instagram 

Conversations with friends 

I seldom access to it 
回答数: 33

 As this shows, many people get information from television and Facebook/ twitter/ instagram. 

Animaniacs NGO presentation

1. NGO name
Our NGO name is Animaniacs ~protect animals~.

2. Issue the group deals with
We deal with keeping animals in captivity. We think zoo is a place where people can enjoy and can learn about animals. However, for some animals it is a stressful place. They feel stress because of few evil zookeepers and the small enclosure.

3. Group's mission
Our mission is to stop evil zookeepers from killing animals. In 2014, at Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark, two giraffes were killed because their gene was not apporpriate for inbreeding. Four lions were also killed bacause they increased too much. To stop these zookeepers, we have to reeducate zookeepers; for example, in Denmark's case, if there is an animal that is difficult to inbreed or increased too much, zoo should either keep taking care or release to the wild.

4. Group's Goal

Our goal is to make zoo a comfortable place for both animals and human. As the survey showed, many people like animals and like zoos. However, few people think the enclosure is stressful for animals. Some animals in zoos are repeating the same movement, which shows stress. So if we can make the enclosure bigger and make the environment closer to the nature, both animals and human may feel less stress or feel less poor.
5. Example project
We call an animal expert and have them teach to the zookeepers by holding a lecture and also by internet, so that many zookeepers in all over the world can learn it.
6. The different part from other NGOs
In the world, there are many NGOs which are against animal captivity. But we are for the idea of supporting zoos. We dont call this captivity. We call this protection.


answers 9

9. What animals can kept in zoos and what cannot? Why?

There are five animals that are difficult to keep in zoos. First, cheetahs especially female cheetahs because they are secretive. It is very difficult to tell when they are ready to inbreed.  Also northern white rhinos, yangtze giant soft-shell turtles, whooping cranes, and giant pandas. These animals are hard to inbreed and increase the number. The animals that are difficult to keep in zoos is that whether they are easy to mate or not.

Five wild animals that won’t do it in cages. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2077282-five-wild-animals-that-wont-do-it-in-cages/

answer 11-12

11. What does zoos need to take care animals?

Zoos need a lot of food, air, water, sunlight, habitat and the right temperature. There are not much difference from what wild animals need, but because animals in zoos have smaller and not much freedom of space to live, they need a bigger enclosure.

12. What does wild animals need to survive?

Animals need food, air, water, sunlight, habitat and the right temperature. Water is the most important thing to survive. They gain water by drinking the water in river and from what they eat. Every animals need different amount of water to live. Not only water but also the amount of food are different; for example, elephants need about 200-600 pounds of grasses, twigs and so on per day. Lions need more than 40 kilograms in a single meal.

What basic things do all living organisms need to survive? (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://eschooltoday.com/science/needs-of-living-organisms/five-things-living-things-need-to-survive.html

Animals and Water. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.iawq.org.uk/Animals-and-Water.html

How much water do animals drink? - LSB. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://lifestyleblock.co.nz/index.php/lifestyle-file/livestock-a-pets/the-basics/item/804-how-much-water-do-animals-drink

Learn - The National Elephant Center. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.nationalelephantcenter.org/learn/

What do lions eat? - About Lions - Online Biology Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.macroevolution.net/what-do-lions-eat.html

answers 7-8

7. How is the opinion different in other countries?

There are no big difference about keeping animals in captivity. Many countries think keeping animals  in captivity like zoos are not good for animals. Many countries are trying to help animals; for example Australia's NGO is calling petitions for animals such as ban duck shooting, stop whale hunting and so on.  In Europe, the countries that joins EU, required to ensure compliance with the national zoo legislation.

8. What is good zoos and bad zoos?

Some zoos have bad zookeepers and harm animals. In Denmark, healthy two giraffes and four lions were killed by zookeepers. Lions were killed because the number has increased too much. Also in Cincinnati zoo, a gorilla was shot because the gorilla was grabbing a boy and the zookeepers thought it is dangerous for human. Zoos with not well trained or educated zookeepers are not good for animals.

Animals Australia - the voice for animals. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://animalsaustralia.org/media/opinion.php?op=371

ENDCAP | Working together for wild animals in captivity. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://endcap.eu/

Marine animals in captivity. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.worldanimalprotection.us.org/our-work/animals-wild/marine-animals-captivity

Bleyer, K. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/03/28/at-the-copenhagen-zoo-humans-can-be-animals.html

Cincinnati Zoo gorilla death: No child endangerment charges for mother. (2016). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/06/cincinnati-zoo-gorilla-harambe-death-child-endangerment-charges

answer 13-15

13. How does zoos get animals?

Zoos get animals from other zoos or buy animals which were living in the wild. They feed the wild animals and as they grow up, zoos start to breed them and increase the number of animals. Mostly zoos help each other and borrow each other's animals. 

14. What is animal? Is human being an animal?

Human is an animal but little bit different from other animals. Human can seperate the idea and have higher intelligence. Humans can seperate and combine things together. When human see an object, they understand what that is and can combine the idea to make new things.

15. What rights should animals have?

Some people think animals have rights or should have rights not legal rights, but moral rights. Human are also animals so it is not strange for animals to have rights. Animals such as dogs or cats are given some proteciton but because these animals are close to many human. Animals do not have equal values and some are treated well and some not. Every animal have the same value of rights.

About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.zoosociety.org/About/AcquiringAnimals.php

English Online. (n.d.). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.english-online.at/biology/zoos/at-the-zoo.htm

Difference Between Animals And Humans. (2009). Retrieved July 20, 2016, from http://www.differencebetween.info/difference-between-animal-and-human

Difference Between Animals and Humans - KnowledgeNuts. (2013). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://knowledgenuts.com/2013/07/13/difference-between-animals-and-humans/

Should Animals Have Rights? (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from https://www.thedodo.com/community/LoriGruen/should-animals-have-rights-396291626.html

AFC - Animal Rights. (n.d.). Retrieved July 19, 2016, from http://www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/index.en.php?id=320

Question 15

What can we do to prevent futile killing of animals?

What we should remember is that zoos are originally places where people are supposed to help and breed animals, not killing them. Futile killing can be prevented by careful calculations of zookeepers and care. This is an action which is what heats up opposing people's arguments, so zoos should be extremely careful about this matter. As I said in previous questions, zoos are crucial to protect endangered species. Many animals are hunted down in the wild, and why should animals be killed in captivity, too? Zoos may not be a paradise, but they do act as a safe place for animals in danger.
What I want to say in the end, is that it is up to us human beings if animals can survive or not. By making lots of researches, I came to know that humans may be the cause of many bad things. We can make mistakes, but we can repent and correct them, too. 

Lists of Pros and Cons of Zoos http://occupytheory.org/list-of-pros-and-cons-of-zoos/

Question 14

Are there any concrete examples of zoo breeding being an asset?

One of the most important reasons why zoos are important is because they support international breeding programs, particularly for endangered species. In the wild, some of the rarest animals can have difficulty in surviving because of the lack of their mates or habitats. They also are in danger from poachers and predators. A good zoo which have advanced equipment and land can enable these species to live in a secure environment. But also there is the problem that a vast majority of captive breeding programs do not release animals back to the wild. And surplus animals are sold to other zoos, or circuses, and even killed. This is something that must be stopped and prevented. How well the zoos are managed will be a big issue and what will lead to convincing people who are against animal captivity.

British Council http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/skills/reading-skills-practice/are-zoos-good-thing